Tushar could recollect every moment of that evening. In fact, that's exactly what he had done during the last couple of months. He had fought against the desire but in the end it had been too much to bear and he had taken the flight to Delhi. He didn't know whether she would agree or whether it was right to do this. They were such a nice couple...decent and courteous. They were neighbours of his son and daughter-in-law. He guessed, they were of the same age too. A caring husband with a good career, a lovely kid and a nice home...she had everything a woman could ask for. Why will she be interested in him...a old man in his sixties. Whenever he was in Delhi they would come over and meet him. In fact, Rupa came over to his son's place almost everyday and would always make it a point to include him in their chat. At times her husband, Sunny, would also drop in. It had looked so hopeless so ridiculous, but...
...the animal in him was relentless in its pursuit. No matter how much he tried, it was useless. That evening was still vivid in his mind. The way she had walked into the apartment. She looked stunning in her black long skirt and white top. The more he looked at her the more fascinated he became. She was tall, slim and long legged. Obviously she took care to stay in perfect shape even after becoming a mother. That would often set him thinking. He always thought that women seldom cared about themselves after they had kids. But she was an exception? Or was it that she enjoyed showing herself off. Was she unsatisfied with her life? Was she trying to attract men? What's the use of having a nice figure and not making it available to others? There were too many unanswered questions. It definitely looked like an opportunity. But he had to be extremely careful. He would have a tough time explaining if things went wrong.
Suddenly he had remembered Prabhat. He was a practicing psychriatrist and might be able to help him. Tushar met him in his consultation chamber. He made a clean breast of everything to Parbhat.
Prabhat had laughed. "You should be ashamed Tushar, she is much too young for you."
"You don't understand Prabhat." Tushar had been defensive. "You know better. Since when has desire been limited by age barriers? What else can be the reason for old men of my age to marry twenty year olds? Even the legendary Pele is no exception."
"You don't have to defend yourself." Prabhat had again broken into a loud laugh.
Irritated, Tushar had stood up.
That brought Prabhat back to his senses.
"Okay, okay. But tell me do you think you are still capable of having sex."
"I don't know. Ever since my wife had died I had never done it. But this girl has broken all my resolves. If she helps me I can definitely have it with her."
Prabhat was suddenly more sombre. He could understand Tushar's frustration.
"Tell me everything once again..I mean how you met her, her apparent attitude towards you, whatever you know about her."
It had lasted a whole two hours. At the end Prabhat came up with a strategy.
"Remember." He warned. "Don't ever try to hurry up matters. I don't know whether it will be of any help but maybe the try is worth it. In every married woman's mind there always that tiny spark of infidelity. It's a sort of a taboo. You need to steadily ignite that spark and the resultant fire will help you. You will have to show her the way and at the same time convince her that you are a prospective and safe partner. A number of things need to be done for that. First, try to get more acquainted with her and know her better. Agree or at least pretend to agree with all her views. Compliment her whenever you find an opportunity. As the relationship develops start complimenting her on her figure and the way she carries herself. It will subtly let her know that you are an admirer. Try spending time with her alone. Find out an alibi to take her out. If she loves to go for shopping take time out of your schedule to take her wherever she wants. Buy her dresses. I don't know her preferences as far as dresses are concerned but they should be the ones that you would like your mistress to wear...you know, the revealing types like skin tight @jeans, pencil skirts or dresses with side slits. If you go to any good boutique you will find lots of them. Then may be lingerie. But never make hasty advances. Your role is to slowly and steadily enable her to comprehend that you will be the most safe and reliable partner to commit adultery with."
"Prabhat, its driving me crazy just to imagine her as my mistress. Talking of dresses that I would like my mistress to wear, I'm sure it will be difficult for me to choose one since I hate the idea of clothes hiding a figure like that." Tushar chuckled. "But why will she be interested in somebody like me when she can have scores of younger men."
"Ah! You don't understand very simple things. A relationship with you will be far less suspicious than that with a younger man. She has a happy family life and I'm sure she will never want to jeopardise that. Even if people see the two of you together they will hardly suspect that she is your mistress. There's one more thing that you need to work on. Miss no opportunity to remind her how unfortunate you have been to lose your wife at a young age and you never considered marrying again because you never wanted to neglect the kids. This will surely appeal to her. This is all I can think of now."
During his next trip to Delhi, he had strictly gone by the advice Prabhat had given him...the compliments, agreement with her views and offering to take her out for shopping. Of course, he had to be very careful to make sure that nobody else got to know of his offers. She appeared hesitant and managed to come up with excuses to turn him down. There was a definite change in her behavior too. Suddenly she appeared somewhat ill at ease whenever he was around. The laughs and the jokes were replaced by unsure glances. Was this a wild goose chase? thought Tushar. But there was one silver lining. Apparently, she hadn't told anybody about his offers.
Alarmed, Tushar had called up Prabhat from Delhi.
"Don't worry." He had assured. "She got the message. Her initial hesitance is understandable. She is not the promiscuous sort and it will probably take her some time to decide whether to go along with you. Don't worry, I guess you are doing fine. All you can do now is to keep up the chase and hope for the best. But remember, don't be hasty."
Prabhat's reassurances worked wonders for Tushar. He realised that the key was to spend time with her and taking her out would be the best opportunity to do that.
Next time he had caught her by surprise. He had called her up from his client's office at noon and offered to take her out.
"Uncle, I just can't go off like that. I have a kid to care for. Maybe, we can fix something up later. Anyway at the moment I have no plans to go shopping for clothes." The perfect little alibi again.
Fed up with her excuses, Tushar firmly exerted himself. "That's enough. I'm fed up with those excuses. The maid can take care of your son for a few hours. I will wait for you in front of our local market at two in the afternoon and you will have to come." For a moment Tushar held his breath. Was he being too hasty? She was silent at the other end...or has she disconnected.
"Are you still there?" He asked.
"Yes." He could hardly hear her.
She was a good half an hour late. But the wait was worth it. She looked stunning in her white and blue salwar-kameez. Her shoulder length bounced magnificently with her steps. Her high heeled slippers made her look even taller and alluring. Even her clothed breasts appeared more prominent. In the car she sat in one corner looking out of the window. They hardly talked. Tushar was increasingly finding it difficult to find out topics on which they could talk. There's no denying the fact that their relationship had taken an entirely new dimension.
Calm down! Calm down, Tushar chided himself. He had thought about this moment so many times over the last couple of months and there's no way he could throw away this opportunity. It was his responsibility to make her feel at ease.
Much to his relief, things started to ease up once they were in the market. She had a knack for window shopping and started enjoying that. He followed her in and out of shops selling clothes and footwear. The ice was broken and they talked freely now. She loved salwar suits and would often hold one up in front of her and ask his opinion. But he wasn't too interested in salwar suits.
"All men are same. They hate shopping." She laughed. Later in one of the shops he found what he was looking for – a pencil skirt.
He chose a navy blue one.
"What size do you want sir?" asked the salesgirl. He looked around trying to locate her. The shop was crowded and she was nowhere to be seen. He had to walk around with the salesgirl in tow. She was rummaging through children's clothes at one end of the shop. Probably looking for something for her son.
"Can you see her over there?" He asked the salesgirl. "I want it for her."
The salesgirl went over to her.
"Have you told this girl that you wanted to buy a skirt for me?" She stood in front of him, her hands on her waist.
"Yes." He answered curtly.
"But why? What makes you think I'll accept it?" She was irritated.
It was time to be firm again.
"You will accept it because I want you to. I am tired of your silly games. Now be a nice girl and allow her to measure your waist." He nodded to the salesgirl who stood a couple of paces away with an amusing expression in her eyes.
"But I don't wear pencil skirts. You need to have developed calf muscles to look good in these. I am no longer that young." She pleaded.
"Did I ask for your opinion? Do as I told you."
"But its no use buying something that I won't wear. Why are you insisting on buying it?"
"She is right, sir. But you can look for one of the long wrapskirts that we have."
Tushar was taken by surprise. The girl has realised what he wanted.
As the salesgirl walked away Rupa looked at him.
"Don't you have any senses? Now even she has started wondering." She asked.
Again, Tushar felt irritated. "Do as I tell you and there will be no cause for an argument."
"Okay; okay" Rupa hissed as the salesgirl approached them.
Rupa chose a couple from the whole lot of wrapskirts and matching tops that the salesgirl had brought with her.
"Can I try them on?" She asked the salesgirl.
"The Trial Room's over there." The salesgirl replied pointing to the back of the shop.
He led her to the back of the shop and helped her locate the Trial Room.
"Just let me see how you look wearing the one you like most." He said as she went in.
"Sir; would you like to have anything else for her?" It was the salesgirl again.
"Let her try those." He said trying to dismiss her.
"I've something that might interest you."
"No. Thanks." He replied curtly. He never liked over aggressive sales people.
"There's no harm having a look, sir."
"Here it is."
On the counter before him was neatly laid out a very brief, chocolate coloured elastic hot pant and a matching sleeveless elastic top.
They appeared too small. "Will this fit her?" He asked.
"These are skin tights. I can assure you that she will look absolutely electrifying in them."
Tushar tried to imagine how Rupa would look wearing them. Even the thought of it was enough for him to decide.
The Trial Room door opened and Rupa stepped out. She stood before him for inspection. She was looking great but still there was something amiss.
"Turn around." He said. As she stood with her back towards him, he looked at the salesgirl.
"Good. But, I had expected it to be different. I can't explain what it is."
"I understand, sir. Let me get her another top."
She brought back a similar looking top and handed it over to Rupa.
"Ma'am can you please try this one?"
"What's the difference. Even the design's the same." As it is she was irritated with what was happening.
"Ma'am, you'll see its different."
"This is getting on my nerves." She snatched the top from the salesgirl and went back to the Trial Room.
When she came out again, Tushar understood the difference. The new top was a much shorter one and barely reached the waistband of the skirt. That produced the desired effect. Tushar could feel the stir in his loins.
"This is too short. I just can't wear..." Rupa started.
"Turn around." The authority in his voice halted her in mid sentence. Meekly she turned around.
She looked perfect with the skirt hugging her figure. He found it difficult to shift his eyes from her hips. Even otherwise he could make out that she was high hipped but the way they now appeared, encased in the skirt, was stunning.
"You look absolutely stunning." He smiled at her.
"But I am not too..."
Again he interrupted her. "Can we have them packed?" He asked the salesgirl.
"But you have to listen to me. Don't I have a choice?"
Tushar didn't even bother to answer Rupa.
"Look what more she has for you."
As he held up the hot pants and the top, he could see the color rising on her cheeks. For a moment she stood looking at the garments with wide eyes, her jaws agape.
When she looked back at him, her eyes betrayed her embarrassment.
"Dhoot." She turned around and briskly walked back to the Trial Room.
"Can I have both of them packed." He turned to the salesgirl.
"Sure, sir." There was an unmistakable hint of a smile on her lips.
On the way back, Rupa again sat in one corner lost in her own world. The car was moving fast and the wind blew her hair. There was no way he could shift his eyes from her. He sat there desperately fighting an urge to grab and kiss her. The presence of the driver was the only deterrent.
The first time he could hardly hear her.
"Did you say something?" He was relieved at this opportunity to speak to her.
"Why am I doing this?" She kept on looking out of the window.
"Doing what?"
"What else...going around with you. Tell me what sort of relationship with me do you have in mind?"
"What are the options I have?"
Rupa looked at him. "The first can be that of parental affection. The second can be that of a female company. Last, but not the least, that of an admirer. Which of these do you have in mind?"
The time had come He needed to come out with his feelings for her. It was now or never. They just sat their, their eyes locked.
"It's none of them." He replied. "I want you to be my mistress."
He felt amused watching the colour rise on her cheeks and continued.
"Believe me, ever since the death of Dipak's mother nobody had affected me the way you did. You know, even at this point of time I feel like kissing you. All these years of depravation has come back to me ever since I met you."
"What do you expect from your mistress?"
"Besides the obvious, I want her to accompany me to selected private parties where men like me, accompanied by their mistresses, meet. With your looks and figure, I am sure you will be a star attraction in such parties. I am dying to see their envious looks. You will see it's a whole different world and you can have lots of fun. I am not asking you to give up your family. I know, you are too deeply in love with your husband. But you can still become the mistress to an unfortunate old man who had lost his wife at a young age and never remarried to ensure that his sons are in no way neglected. Are you listening?"
"Yes." She whispered. "But tell me why should I become your mistress? I have everything a woman my age can ask for. I have a caring husband who is also reasonably successful and comes from a well-to-do family. I have a nice jolly kid. Yet I am not being able to refuse you. Just think of it. You bought me revealing clothes that I wouldn't have otherwise bought. I know, you would expect me to wear them. Some time soon you will like to go to bed with me. Why am I feeling powerless in front of you? That is what is perplexing me." She was looking at him with wide pleading eyes.
"That's because you feel for me. You can understand my frustration. Please Rupa! Only you can help me. I need you, I desperately need you." He pleaded knowing that she was in the final moments of decision-making.
"Can you still make it?" He knew what she meant but decided to play around.
"Make what?" He tried his best to sound innocent.
"You know what I mean." She was too embarrassed to even look at him.
That was quite unexpected. After a brief pause he replied.
"With your understanding and help I can, definitely, have it with you. Rupa, please come closer, please."
"Are you crazy? He can see us." She indicated the driver.
"At least we can sit side by side. Please Rupa."
Slowly she inched closer to him till they sat side by side, their thighs touching. He took her hand and started caressing her fingers.
"You know, Sunny had been telling me for quite some time that you are my admirer. I always thought he was exaggerating. Now I know he was correct. After all a man understands another man better."
The rest of the journey they sat silently, hand in hand. Tushar knew he had won. The chase had ended. Now it was only a matter of deciding on the time and place. As they sat lost in their own worlds again, he imagined the envious look in the eyes of his friends and acquaintances as he showed off his mistress. She was by far the best amongst the other mistresses who came along and then he would casually let the others know that she had great in bed too.
She broke the silence. "We are almost home. When are you flying back home?"
"Day after tomorrow. We have to meet again tomorrow."
She nodded in response. "But I have a couple of requests. Together we need to take certain precautions. If somehow my husband comes to know of this I will not be able to give an explanation. He will be shocked and then suspicion will creep into our marriage. Please don't make me suffer."
"What do I have to do?" He asked.
"Stop ogling me and showering compliments on me. I will always try to be with you whenever you want but if for some reason I can't make it on a day don't be too insistent. You can at least do that for me."
He agreed.
"Can I get down here?" She asked. "Near the local market somebody might see us." There was alarm in her voice.
"But how will you go from here?"
"Don't worry, I will catch a rickshaw."
He asked the driver to stop. As she was getting down from the taxi he suddenly realised that he should pay for the rickshaw fare. He slipped a ten rupee note into her hand.
"What is this for?" She was taken aback.
"The rickshaw fare." He knew the resistance was on its way.
"I can't take that." She was vehement.
"I know you can pay for it yourself. But the man is supposed to take care of his mistress's needs. Unless you accept this, our relationship is not on firm footing. In fact, I was thinking of giving you a thousand rupees every month. One more thing, I will call you up tomorrow after your husband leaves to tell you when and where we will meet. You will look great in that wrap around skirt I bought you but..." He hesitated for a moment and then lowering his voice continued "... your panties clearly showed. I would suggest if you can do without them." He winked at her, enjoying the rising colour in her cheeks.
"Uncle you are just incorrigible." She said while getting down from the cab.
Tushar felt elated. He called up Prabhat to give him the good news.
Prabhat congratulated him on his unexpected success. "I had doubts whether she will agree. You deserve a pat on your back old boy. But remember, take her to bed as soon as you can. Once that is done she cannot back out." He warned.
I don't think she will back out after today."
"You never know. If I had been you I would have made sure that we ended up in bed today only. You let her go today, don't play with your luck too much." Prabhat stuck to his point.
Tushar felt very light-hearted. "Looks like my dear friend is also developing a keen interest in my mistress." He chuckled.
For a moment Prabhat was silent. "I have heard so much about her from you that it's only natural to be interested in her. I am definitely looking forward to meeting her in Calcutta and then if you agree I may also be fortunate to enjoy her. By the way when is she coming here?"
"Probably, sometime in October. There's still a month to go. So my friend also desires my woman. Should I tell Asha about this?" He chuckled.
"If you are not grateful for my advises, at least don't be destructive." His voice betrayed his irritation.
"Oh no! dear friend. I was only joking. You advises were key to my success. I have no problems sharing her with you, I mean even at the same time. Just imagining a threesome with her is getting me excited. You have hit upon the right idea Prabhat. I had been raking my brains to find out a way to ensure that sex life of the mistress ought to be far more exciting, vibrant and fulfiling than that with her husband. That will make it difficult for her to back out. But we need to convince her into something like that." Suddenly Tushar was doubtful of his ability to convince her.
"Don't worry." Prabhat assured. "Its very important at this stage to pull her out of the marital bed and make her enjoy the forbidden fruits of adultery. That will make her more licentious towards men. Then she won't mind taking on a second lover. It's my job to convince her once you loosen her up."
He gave the cabbie the address of a motel there where they could go.
She squeezed his hand hard.
There was a noticeable difference in her today. They sat in the cab very intimately. Even her eyes had that 'take me wherever you want to' look in them.
"Ask him to stop at a chemist's." She whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.
As they climbed up the stairs to their room, he had to pinch himself to believe that his dreams were about to come true. He unlocked the door and stood aside to allow her to get in first. Once inside, he shut the door and carefully turned the lock a second time to make sure it was working.
The room had very little furniture, a double bed, a chest of drawers with a mirror, a colour television and a wardrobe. The whole place exuded a impersonal air. Suddenly Tushar realised that they hadn't even exchanged a word after checking into the motel. Rupa was fidgeting with the television, not turning in on but just playing with the switches. At the final moment she was developing cold feet. Tushar knew he had to take control. There was no way they would leave this place without making love. He moved across and embraced her from behind, his hands settling on her breasts as his loins pressed against her behind. He started squeezing her breasts hard.
"Uncle! You're hurting me."
She extricated herself from his amorous hug and moved over to the chest of drawers. She had her back towards him and he watched in fascination as she undressed. Removing the top, she neatly placed it on top of the chest of drawers. Her hands reached behind to unhook the bra, with a shrug of her shoulders she removed the intimate garment from her body. It joined the top. Her back was perfect, the vertical line of her spine running down the middle. There was a brief hesitation and she looked at him over her shoulders. Slowly, her fingers moved to the waistband of her wrap skirt. She unfastened the skirt and allowed it to cascade down to her feet.
Tushar gasped at the sight that was unveiled before him. She wore nothing under the skirt and as she stepped out of the heap at her feet he had a magnificent view of her back.
"Perfect! You're perfect." He hissed.
She went over to the bed and slipped underneath the covers.
Self conscious of his nudity , he stood beside the bed waiting for her to make the first move. Tentatively Rupa reached out for him and drew him to her.
"Lay back." She ordered, moving out from underneath the covers. Pushing her palm against his chest until he fell back on the bed, she began exploring his body eagerly. Boldly, she climbed astride him, her bottom touching his thighs. She smacked away one of his hands as it threatened to caress her breasts.
"Stop it, I'm doing the touching now." She admonished. Drawing her hands lower down his body, she smoothed his flabby stomach. It was an effort to delay the inevitable moment when her fingers would come into contact with his cock for the first time but she moved slowly.
Then she did it. Stroking her fingers up and down his flaccid manhood, she traced the changing contours as it stiffened under her touch. Almost reverently, she held his balls, sliding her hand over them and between his legs, her finger tips brushing against the cleft between his buttocks.
His voice and the way he used her name startled her, reminding her who she was with and what she was doing.
Ignoring the surprise that gripped her momentarily, she lowered her head and dropped a featherlight kiss on the tip of his cock, replacing it immediately with another and another. Then she licked him, taking her tongue over his glans and down the length of him, circling around and around his growing hardness until he was groaning with ecstasy.
"I'm going to come." He said, his voice husky with passion.
Tossing her hair away from her face, she looked up at him. "Go ahead, I don't mind."
Tushar looked at her with surprise, gasping as she took his penis deep within her mouth. In a couple of seconds she had sucked him dry.
"My God! I had never imagined you would do that. Do you do that often to your husband?" He pulled her up so that she lay on top of him, her head on his chest.
"It was my gift to him on our wedding night." Her voice was barely audible. "He doesn't want me to do that again to him so that he can remember and cherish that special occasion. I also wanted you to enjoy something very special"
"Unfortunately, he will never experience it again."
She looked up at him. "Why?"
"Henceforth you will do that to me only."
"But he is my husband and I love him. I love doing whatever he enjoys. Why are you insisting onimposing restrictions in my conjugal life?"
"Because I am your lover. Marriage is a very sacred institution, but it arises primarily out of traditions and social customs. You got married because society and your parents wanted you to do that. Since childhood, you..."
"That's not correct." She interjected. "I got married to Sunny because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. I don't think there was any kind of social or parental pressure."
"You don't understand. Since your childhood you were made to understand that marriage was inevitable. No matter what you had to get married. Over the years you have accepted that as a gospel truth. That is why you got married. But our relationship is not born out of any custom or social pressure. It is a spontaneous carnal obsession that can only be satisfied by making love. Consequently, I have the right to make demands on you."
He knew it was time to be firm again. "As your lover I want to be the only person to have the privilege of oral sex with you."
He waited for her reaction. There was none.
"Promise me that I will be the only person with whom you will have oral sex." He insisted.
She stirred against his chest. "You will be the only person who will have the privilege to climax in my mouth. I can promise you only that much." She whispered.
"As your lover, I also insist on one more thing. Just like you always wear your wedding ring and bangle as symbol of your marriage, I want you to do something that will symbolise our relationship."
"What do you have in mind?" She asked.
"I want you to be shaved. You understand what am saying?"
She hid her face against his chest in embarrassment. She didn't relent even when he tried to move her face towards his.
He ran his hand through her lustrous hair and laughed. "Are you feeling embarrassed? Even after doing such an intimate act."
This time she looked up at him. "What do you expect me to do. Feel elated and jump at your suggestion."
"Of course not. There's no reason for elation. You will do it because I want you to do it." He replied sternly.
"I don't understand how that will be of any help or benefit."
"It will certainly make me feel that you are mine. Only three people in this world will know that under your salwar, @jeans, skirt or saree you are shaved. You, Sunny and me. But only you and me will know that it symbolises our relationship."
"Uncle you don't know how irritating it feels when the pubic hairs start to grow again. The itch is almost unbearable. What will I tell Sunny in case he enquires."
"You have to figure out how to manage him. But that cannot be the reason for not shaving off. You don't have to bear the itch if you keep on shaving. Once shaved is always shaved. Nothing can be better than that. "
Rupa decided not to argue. She will have to find a better opportunity to try to convince him.
She swung herself off the bed and sat on the side finding that her legs were trembling slightly. He would have to have a bath. He rose from the bed and sat beside her. She was aware of the contrast of their bodies, the male and the female, the hair, the protuberances different in each, the quality
of the flesh. He put a hand on her thigh and she looked at his well kept nails, his dark complexion a sharp contrast against her fair skin. It was an intimate familiar gesture. They were man and mistress, whatever else happened she and Tushar knew each other with the greatest intimacy possible between human beings. She looked at him and he put a hand through her thick hair letting it spring back to the sides of her face. She stood up, consciously parading her body for his inspection. His admiration thrilled her and she stretched up, aware of her shapely breasts, her narrow waist and her rounded thighs. She was so glad she had kept her figure. As she proudly went along parading herself naked she realised that she was enjoying her role as the mistress.
It was one thing to be secured and loved in your home but a forbidden carnal relationship was so exciting. Yet this would be a perfectly safe relationship. Nobody will suspect that she was mistress to a man old enough to be her father. Nobody can ever think that the attractive wife and proud mother at home was also the nude mistress in the hotel room.
On the way back home they sat apart, lost in their own worlds. Only a few words were exchanged. A strange tranquility had descended on their amorous longings. There was no need anymore to be physically close at every opportunity. Now that she is his mistress, he can have her whenever he wished. Their social and her marital priorities can only postpone their secret interludes. But when there's a will there's a way. He could still remember the heavenly feeling of her mouth on his male hardness. He had never imagined that she was so sexually liberated.
"Can we again meet tomorrow?" Tushar broke the silence.
"I thought you were flying back tomorrow." She was surprised.
"I have my tickets booked for tomorrow but can postpone them by a day or two. Tomorrow is a Saturday anyway. It makes sense if we can meet tomorrow again."
"I don't know." Rupa appeared hesitant. "That will depend upon his schedule. He has to attend office most Saturdays but I am not sure about tomorrow." Somehow she wasn't comfortable with the idea of such frequent tryst.
Rupa felt irritated. She hadn't come all the way to Tushar's apartment to get introduced to his friend. And what was his name? Upset at finding the man there, she didn't even remember his name. Prabhat, was it? He was anything but impressive...short, dark and bald. But the man was showing a great deal of interest in her. But she was in no mood to waste time like this. They were in Calcutta for their Puja vacations and Tushar had called her up in the morning to invite her to his place. He hadn't mentioned about his friend though. His car had picked her up on time. In fact, Tushar had insisted on sending the car to her home but for obvious reasons she had preferred a different place.
"I have to be back by the evening." She turned to Tushar, her voice betraying her contempt.
"What's the big hurry? The car will drop you off." Tushar seemed to be least bothered by her impatience.
"Why don't you go and change. You will feel comfortable."
Rupa was taken aback at his suggestion. Did he expect her to go around in the skimpy elastic hotpant and top, he had bought her, in front of his friend.
She looked at him, her eyes narrowing to admonish him.
Tushar started laughing. "You need not worry about Prabhat. He is a very good friend of mine and besides us he is the only person who knows about our relationship."
She felt as if she had banged against a brick wall. Was he going around telling people? The anger was rising in her. She desperately searched for words to give vent to her feelings. But the shock left her tongue tied.
She looked back at Prabhat to find him smiling at her. Immediately, her anger and resentment was replaced by embarrassment. She could feel the colour rising in her cheeks. This man Prabhat knew that she had slept with Tushar.
"My God!" She thought. Over the last half an hour he had chatted with her knowing all the while that she was here to go to bed with Tushar. There was no way she could continue sitting over there and chatting with him. As she rushed out of the room, she could hear them laughing aloud at her discomfiture.
Rushing out of the sitting room, she halted. Where was she? It was the dining room. The dining table was neatly laid out for three people. Startled she realised that Prabhat will join them for lunch.
"Shit!" She cursed. Had she known this she wouldn't have bothered to come here.
Anger was again seething in her. She pulled out a chair and sat down.
"I should be leaving." She thought. "That will teach him a lesson."
Before she could decide, Tushar walked in. Deliberately she turned around, her back at him.
His hands lightly touched her shoulders.
"What's the matter with my girl?" He chuckled.
Her patience snapped. She stood up facing him. "What do you think you are doing? Why did you have to tell him about me? You had promised me that only the two of us will know. You should have remembered your promise before taking credit in front of your friend. I am leaving now and don't bother me after this." As she tried to walk past, he pulled her to him.
"Don't you dare touch me." She fumed, struggling in his arms. "Just leave me alone."
"I am sorry..." She cut him out even before he could finish.
"Its no use now. Let me go."
"Stop it! I say, stop this." He snarled. "Don't make mountains out of molehills. Its makes no difference if Parbhat knows about us. And what is this talk about leaving?"
His sudden outburst took her by surprise. She felt resigned. Again she was feeling powerless in front of him. She didn't know why it always happened that way. She stopped struggling in his arms.
His hands turned her face up at him. "You did not come here to leave. Did you?"
No, she nodded.
"Then why have you come here?" He asked.
She preferred to be silent.
He caught hold of her arms and shook her violently.
"Tell me, why did you come here?" He hissed.
She looked him bewildered. "Because you wanted me to come here." She whispered.
"Let's me tell you something. You will come to me whenever I want you to come, you will do exactly what I want you to do. Now be a good girl and don't argue."
She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Why are you doing this to me? Why are you bent upon causing me trouble?" Her voice was hardly audible.
"I am not causing you any trouble. Its only your imagination. Do as I tell you and everything will be fine. Now go to the bedroom over there and change into these."
He handed her the elastic hot pants and matching top.
She stood before the mirror in her skimpy outfit, trying to fathom the effect she will have on them. The elastic material stuck to her body like a second skin. The top left an inch of her flat stomach exposed. To match the top the hot pants barely covered her haunches leaving her long legs bare. As she turned around she noticed that the outline of her bra and panties were visible through the elastic material.
Suddenly the thought struck her. Was Prabhat also looking for an opportunity to get into bed with her? Why else would Tushar want her to go around in this skimpy outfit when Prabhat was there? Her initial reaction was one of shock and indignity. She started walking around the room trying to soothe her agitated mind.
What does Tushar think me to be...a whore, she thought. Someone with whom his friends can also have liberty.
"My God! What have I let myself into?" She hissed feeling distressed.
But just as suddenly as the dread, the flip side also came to her mind. She had never experienced a three-some and this might be a good opportunity. With a startle she realised that the thought was definitely interesting. She tried imagining herself in bed with her two lovers. But then she would have to use all her foreplay skills to get the two old men excited enough to make it with her. That won't be easy, she realised.
"Why am I behaving like a sex starved woman?" She thought.
"No! Never!" She hissed. "I ought to call quits now. That's the only way I can control of the situation." She reached for the elastic top and pulled it over her head....
As she proudly walked into the room, the two men looked up at her.
"My God! Rupa. You look absolutely stunning in that outfit." Tushar made no effort to hide his feelings for. She sat down opposite them.
She could feel their eyes on her body. It was as if they were trying to undress her with their eyes.
Seeing her sitting demurely in that skimpy outfit, Tushar felt the stirring in his loins. The girl knew how to excite men.
Tushar knew it was time to get going.
"That's for you." He was pointing to a glass of coke on the side table just beside her.
"I am not too fond of soft drinks." She looked up at him.
"There's a reason why I am asking you to have that. You will need it. Now stop making those silly excuses and gulp it down." Knowing it was no use arguing with him, she picked up the glass..
The feeling started coming to her half way through the glass...a growing warmth spreading across her body. She felt uneasy with the hitherto unknown feeling.
"What have you put in the coke?"
Tushar and Prabhat just kept on smiling at her discomfort.
The warmth was slowly giving way to a feeling of excitement. She felt light hearted and frivolous. But most disturbing was the stirring between her legs.
"Please tell me what have you done to me." Her voice choked. "I am feeling so damn hot."
"Don't worry." Tushar assured her. "Its nothing harmful. It's will help you through the long day ahead of you."
"I don't understand?" She sounded detached.
"You need not bother about it. It's a mild aphrodisiac that will help you to get over your inhibitions of going to bed with both of us."
The excitement was making it difficult for her to think. All that she was aware of was the growing excitement between her legs.
"Why are you doing this to me?" She pleaded. "I did what you wanted me to do, so where was the need for this?" She started feeling helpless.
"Get out of that skimpy outfit and suck me off." Came the command. She was taken aback at the authority in Prabhat's voice.
"No. Please! Don't make me do that."
"Stop that. I am not asking you to do anything that you haven't done with Tushar. From now on you will be my mistress too. Now do as I told you."
Rupa turned to Tushar, hoping for help to convince Prabhat. Tushar came over and helped her to her feet. Suddenly he thrust his hand between her legs, gripping her sex through the elastic of her hotpant.
"Oh God! No." She cried out. Caught in the throes of her sudden orgasm she had to cling on him for support. His invading fingers were working her to a feverish pitch. She totally lost control of her movements as her orgasm exploded. Her hips began grinding hard on his invading fingers. Without warning his fingers left her only to return from the back. As his fingers again started caressing her sex, Tushar pushed her towards Prabhat.
There was little she could do now. On unsteady feet she went over to Prabhat and knelt between his stretched legs.
As Tushar's fingers worked feverishly to push her over the edge again, he mouth worked vigourously on Prabhat. She could feel approaching orgasm... After a couple of months, Debendra could sense the change in her. Her tension regarding their secret interludes was being replaced by a smug comfort about the reliability of the arrangements and her acceptance of their relationship. She relented to most of his requests for meetings, where she couldn't she came forward with alternative suggestions. She was increasingly becoming more proactive in bed, using all her skills to sufficiently arouse him. This was no small task considering his age, but she was never deterred by his occasional inadequacies. On occasions when he was not sufficiently aroused in spite of her best efforts, she ensured that he enjoyed the bliss of release. She was increasingly becoming even more imaginative in their foreplay, not to mention her oral skills that always made him hit the roof.
Debendra, on his part, always ensured that her life as a wife and loving mother was different from her life as a passionate mistress. Quite early in their relationship, Debendra started believing that one of the key differentiators could be nudity. Armed with his belief, he had accepted nothing short of her absolute nudity whenever they were inside the hotel room...even when they were watching television, chatting or having lunch. Initially, it had not been easy in the face of her stiff resistance. But her resistance only increased his conviction in his belief. Twice he had to order her to leave the hotel and on both of those occasions he had achieved what he intended. She had returned and meekly complied with his wishes. With each passing day, he marveled at the transformation that exhibitionism had brought about in a proud and shy woman. She had become more confident about her nude self and took pleasure in parading herself before his hungry eyes. He never overlooked anything that could contribute to her lifestyle as a mistress. It was a long list and included dresses he wanted her to wear and ways he wanted her to behave when they were in the company of others. For their rendezvous, he wanted her to wear sarees with low back blouses and high heeled footwear. The high heels accentuated her hips and made her gait more alluring. When she preferred to be informally dressed, it had to be tight @jeans with tops or vests not extending more than an inch beyond the waistband of her @jeans and high heeled footwear. He forbade her from wearing panties whenever he was around. Once they were attending a party organized by a common acquaintance. She had come with her husband and child. He made her go to the toilet and get out of her panties. Then he quietly drew her away from the crowd for a quick check over her clothing. He always resorted to periodic physical checks to make sure that she complied with his instructions. She had stiffened and protested the first time he had run his hands over her hips, only to be sharply rebuked. From then on she had bore his periodic physical checks without complaint. Till now she had never displeased him.
He relished his hold on her and this set him thinking on how to move their relationship forward.
"Forward? Where?" He would often wonder. But he was increasingly feeling the need to break free from this secrecy…take their relationship to a platform where their rendezvous need not be shrouded by secrecy. Of late, he had been pre-occupied by thoughts of a ménage-a-trois arrangement. So many men had two wives cohabiting under one roof. Then, why can't a woman live with her husband and lover under one roof. If that was too daring, at least the two men should acknowledge each other's existence and their need for her, both mentally and physically.
A month later, Debendra felt something that he had not experienced for a long time…he woke up in the wee hours with a hard on. No sooner he realized it, he started thinking about her. No doubt, the girl was affecting him in a way no other woman had done before. Their rendezvous the day before had not doused the fire but ignited it further. What else could explain his early morning hard on. He searched for his wrist watch under his pillow and brought it up. It was six in the morning. What was she doing now? Still sleeping beside her husband? Immediately a pang of jealousy shot through him. Did they make love yesterday? He prayed that they stayed away from each other physically as much as possible. That will help him to tempt her back into the hotel room more frequently.
As he caressed his hardness, he imagined how exciting it will be to wake up beside her in the morning. Together, they could take care of him excitement. The thought of waking up in the morning and finding her beside him, nude and sleeping peacefully, filled him with sense of fulfillment. It did not take him long to plan his next trip to Delhi in a couple of days. He had to make her spend a night with him even if she was unwilling.
Having planned his trip to Delhi, Debendra felt relaxed. He had called up Rupa to inform her of his scheduled trip.
Her voice sounded emotionless.
"Aren't you happy to meet me again?" He had asked.
"I don't know. I am scared that somebody may find out." Her voice betrayed her nervousness.
"That's always a problem for you. When we are together, you are humorous, jovial and uninhibited. Before and after that you are always scared. You have to get out of this. You need to come to terms with the reality..."
"But don't you understand what will happen if Sunny gets to know of this? All hell will break loose." She interjected.
"Don't worry, we will take all precautions. We can discuss this at length when we meet. Anyway, I will fly out of Delhi on Sunday morning. For those five days that I will be in Delhi, keep all your afternoons and evenings free. By the way, this time my client will put me up at Le Meridien."
That came as a surprise for Rupa. "Why aren't you staying here as usual?" She asked.
"Because, we may have to work late into the night and I do not wish to disturb the others." Then he lowered his voice. "But the real reason is that otherwise you and I cannot meet every day."
"My God!" She exclaimed. "No, No. We cannot meet everyday. That's exceeding all limits."
"Cool down, cool down" He tried to sound reassuring. "I will arrange for a car pick up from your place, but I want you every afternoon."
Even before she could protest, he disconnected.
Angered by his audacity, she slammed down the phone.
I will never go by his plans, she thought.
However, as the day went by the seething anger slowly began to subside. No doubt this appeared to be a better and safer arrangement than that motel room. With her persistent fear of hidden cameras and peeping holes, she never felt safe there. No doubt, a reputed hotel is much safer.
Of course, his work was an alibi, the real reason was to move their relationship forward. For quite some time he had been trying to find out a way to do away with this hide and seek business. That had been the point of contention of his lengthy discussions with Prabhat, a week back.
"Getting her into bed was the most critical part of our relationship. With that part no more a worry, I wish to move the relationship forward. We need to do away with this hide and seek business. Why can't we bring our relationship out in the open? If people around us are aware of our relationship, things will be much easier at both ends."
Prabhat appeared dumbfounded, "How are you planning to do that?"
"Let our acquaintances know of our relationship. If they accept it nothing can be better, if they do not we carry on nevertheless." Debendra replied.
"What? Are you crazy? I find no reason for her to do that. Anyway, why are you bent upon taking more responsibilities on your shoulder? How will that benefit you? Aren't you satisfied enough that a woman like her who can easily have scores of young lovers at her beck and call is sleeping with you." Prabhat's voice betrayed his agitation.
Somehow Debendra felt at ease with the tirade. He had expected it after all and had been prepared for it.
"I told you, I am getting sick of this hide and seek business. I cherish the time we spend together and wish we can do that more often without being scared of getting caught. What good is the present arrangement anyway? I few stolen moments of amorous bliss and then we go back to our own worlds secured in our belief that nobody else knows. This is not taking us anywhere."
Even before Debendra could complete, Prabhat interjected. "No matter what you think, you are merely building castles in the air. Your relationship is secretive only because she wishes to keep it that way. You need to appreciate that she is happily married and would never wish to rock the boat. Being married, she stands to lose everything. I am not certain as to why she is still continuing the affair. Probably the reason lies in her sympathy for you. She will never agree to this since this will certainly rock her marriage. I am yet to come across a husband who is prepared to accepts the fact that his wife has a lover. We have to find…"
Debendra interjected, "Its not that she has to agree to everything that we do. I had to work on her for quite some time before she agreed to sleep with me. Unique problems require unique solutions and it may be difficult to convince her. Lots of cajoling may be helpful. Am sure that I will not have to remind her that she was in a bit of a sticky wicket having already slept with us."
"I still see a lot of difficulty." Prabhat was not impressed with Debendra's argument. "Also, how do you plan to handle the situation in case her husband finds it unacceptable and pushes for divorce. Don't you have a responsibility in that case?"
"I am not shirking away from my responsibility. In case he decides that way, I have a couple of options available with me. Marriage is one of them. But I would like to avoid being the subject matter of gossips that I had married a woman young enough to be my daughter. Live together is another option but is more scandalous. Under such circumstances, it appears that the best option for us is that she continues as my mistress and I bear all her expenses. I can hire an apartment where she can stay with her son. May be in due time, she can put her son in a boarding school and be able to spend more time with us." Debendra countered.
Prabhat sighed, "Sounds good but difficult to put in place. Human relations are generally far more complex than they appear to be and the situation may totally spin out of your hand. In the process, you may lose her altogether. To me, a better idea is to slowly work on her husband and try to convince him that you need her both at the platonic and physical level. I do appreciate that it will be difficult, but may not be impossible. If two women can accept one person as their husband in instances of polygamy, two guys can also be convinced into a situation of polyandry. Strictly speaking this is not a case of polyandry since you are not marrying her."
That night, over dinner, her husband told her of his plans to visit Ahmedabad for official business. Rupa was pleasantly surprised, it was as if lady luck was blessing her liaison with Debendra…